The spring exhibition American Photography in Rijksmuseum attracts many visitors. Inspired by the diversity of the photos in the exhibition, visitors will undoubtedly also take pictures of our beautiful spring garden with tulips. Depending on the weather, the tulips bloom from mid-April to May.
In the flowerbeds on the Stadhouderskade you will see the following tulips: the copper-coloured double ‘Copper Image’, the lily-flowered purple ‘Purple Dream’, the pink and green ‘Groenland’, pink and green ‘Virichic’ with pointed leaves, the white and pink-edged ‘Playgirl’, the white and purple ‘Striped Flag’.
In the garden at Museumplein, around the the wing tree, you can see the white and purple flamed ‘Flaming Prince’, ‘Wyndham’, a special double fading brown-red and white tulip, the purple and white-edged ‘Spitsbergen’, the lilac ‘Bleu Aimable’, the lily-flowered purple ‘Purple Dream’, the lily-flowered white and pink ‘Merilyn’ and the white and red flamed ‘Grand Perfection’.